MRFA Spring Retreat 2024

Key Dates



Register and pay here to attend the MRFA Spring Retreat.

  • Once you complete the registration form you will be directed to a payments page. Please process your payment before closing your browser. You will also receive a link by email to go to the payment page later, if needed. Please print your payment receipt for your records so you can submit for reimbursement.
  • The registration deadline is March 22, 2024.
  • You may cancel your registration with a refund, minus processing fees, up to April 15, 2024. (email
  • The full retreat program is available here

MRFA Retreat Registration Fees

  • Full Registration – in-person FT ($120)
  • Full Registration – in-person with Contract Faculty Discount ($90)
  • One Day Registration – April 24 ($90)
  • One Day Registration – April 25 ($80)
  • Online Attendance – Limited to 15 registrants see included sessions linked above ($80)

Meal Vouchers

Meal vouchers are being provided to make it easier for you to attend the retreat and know that your guests are able to get their meals while you are in attendance. The meals are charged at cost (not subsidized by the MRFA or MRU). Meals for registered Members attending the retreat are included with your registration: please only purchase meal vouchers for guests. Meal vouchers can be purchased when you register. If you find out later that you will require additional vouchers, please email

  • April 29 Lunch – 45.00 per meal voucher
  • April 29 Dinner – 90.00 per meal voucher
  • April 30 Breakfast – 45.00 per meal voucher
  • April 30 Lunch – 45.00 per meal voucher

Online Registration Option (limited to 15 members)

  • Most sessions will be in-person only. However, you may register for online attendance at a discounted rate and be able to attend all of the sessions held in the Mount Kidd A room. The Association has set up this space for hybrid attendance/remote viewing (as applicable for the presenters’ mode of preference).
  • View the hybrid/remotely accessible program here.

Writing Residency (limited to 20 members)

The MRFA Professional Development Committee, in collaboration with the Academic Development Centre, is accepting applications for MRU faculty members seeking to dedicate serious attention to their writing at a writing residency in Kananaskis on May 1-3. The primary criteria for adjudicating applications are that stated goals are feasible for the allotted time and that the project is clear and scholarly. Please refer to section 3.2 of Mount Royal University Institutional Promotion & Tenure Criteria for a definition of scholarship. We welcome applications from those who have attended an MRU writing residency in the past, but priority will be given to newcomers.

Read more about the Writing Residency here and apply to patriciate here by March 4, 2024 – successful applicants will be notified by March. Once accepted into the writing residency you can pay the $150 fee via the payment button below (please note – your registration includes the reception, coffee service and lunches)


Book your group rate for Mount Royal Faculty Retreat (DO NOT CALL THE HOTEL – group rates will only be provided via this online booking link.)

The starting room rate is 219$ per night plus a 25$ resort fee and any other applicable fees. The normal rate without the group discount is $320+; so, please ensure that you are getting the group rate when you book. If you have any difficulties with the online booking link, please email

The room booking deadline is March 22, 2024 (please note – the group rate will not be available after this date)

Reimbursement of Retreat Expenses

Members are able to apply for FDC funding (deadline of March 10) and for PD funding (deadline of June 1) to reimburse registration and accommodation expenses for the retreat.

Shared Accommodations:

If you would like shared accommodations but do not have a roommate already arranged, please fill out this form by March 15. You will be paired up with another member according to preferences indicated on the form. You will then be informed of who you will be sharing a room with and you and your roommate can make arrangements for booking your hotel room. If there is not a roommate available for you, you will need to book your own private accommodations.

One member needs to book the room with the hotel, but both members need to be listed as guests with the hotel.

Location and Transportation

1 Centennial Dr, Kananaskis Village, AB T0L 2H0

Pomeroy Kananaskis Lodge – Website (do not book your rooms at this link – you will not receive the discount – this link is provided for hotel information)


Please fill out this form if you would like to be connected with another faculty member to carpool to the retreat. The last day to respond to this form is April 19. Responses received after this date will not be reviewed.

If you have any questions, please contact Chantelle Anderson –

Onsite Childcare

The Association will be making arrangements for childcare on request. Please complete the applicable section of the registration form and/or email for more information.

Information about things to do with kids at Kananaskis is available here.

Thank you to all the faculty members from across the university who submitted proposals and who will be facilitating recreational activities! This event continues to be a great success thanks to your contributions.

This annual event is co-sponsored by the Mount Royal Faculty Association and Mount Royal University, and is organized by the MRFA’s Professional Development Committee.

The Association expresses it gratitude for the ongoing support of the University in co-sponsoring this important event that strengthens collegiality and facilitates interdisciplinary collaboration in scholarship, teaching and service. It helps us to focus on all the important things that make Mount Royal an outstanding university and that make the MRFA a strong and vibrant community.