Service Honorarium

MRFA Contract Faculty Service Honouraium Application Form

Service is not a workload requirement for contract faculty; however, contract faculty have many opportunities to participate in service activities.  Per Article 14 of the Collective Agreement, the Board provides $20,000 annually to support contract faculty non-instructional (service) activities

Examples of eligible activities include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Institutional, academic unit, and discipline-specific planning meetings and task forces
  • Participation in Faculty and institutional governance (Faculty Councils; General Faculties Council)
  • Selection committees
  • MRFA-Board joint committees and MRFA committees
  • External services as a formal representative of MRU
  • View this non-exhaustive list of Service Opportunities at MRU by Type for more information

Contract faculty wishing to request an honorarium must submit a completed form to by the second Friday in May each calendar year, documenting service work provided from May 1st of the previous calendar year to April 30th of the current calendar year.  The annual grant will be distributed in May, proportionately based on the number of eligible honoraria submissions received.