Mandate & Members

The MRFA Membership:

The MRFA represents and serves the approximately 800 academic staff members at Mount Royal University. All full-time, limited-term and contract faculty teaching credit courses are members of the MRFA. This includes librarians, counsellors, educational developers, laboratory instructors and all employees designated as members of the academic staff.

The MRFA Mandate:

In accordance with Alberta’s Post-Secondary Learning Act (PSLA) and as a trade union under Alberta’s Labour Relations Code, the MRFA’s core mandate is to negotiate the Collective Agreement and resolve alleged contraventions of the Agreement through the grievance process. Additionally, as mandated by its members through the Association’s Bylaws, the MRFA is a professional organization that promotes the professional standing of its members, advocates for the highest standards of professionalism in higher education, fosters the faculty voice in the shared academic governance of MRU, advocates for high quality, accessible and affordable post-secondary education, promotes tenure and academic freedom, and upholds the values of equity, diversity, inclusion and human rights.

The MRFA mandate in detail:

  • Represent our members in collective bargaining with respect to salary and benefit matters, workload, working conditions and all other terms and conditions of employment
  • Provide confidential advice to, assistance to, and representation of our members regarding issues of grievances, faculty welfare and institutional processes – this includes representation of members needing workplace accommodation (e.g. medical) or facing potential discipline
  • Promote, maintain and improve the professional standing of our members and the quality of education at Mount Royal University
  • Maintain the right of our members to exercise independent judgment in the planning and execution of their educational responsibilities, and foster the faculty voice in the shared academic governance of the University
  • Advocate for affordable access to and enhancement of post-secondary education
  • Liaise with senior administration, and provide a collective voice and group representation for the views of our members in all matters affecting the Mount Royal University community, including matters of MRU governance, planning and policy
  • Liaise with the Students’ Association of Mount Royal University (SAMRU), the Mount Royal Staff Association (MRSA), and external affiliates including the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT)
  • Administer tuition reimbursements for members, MRFA scholarships, contract service honoraria, and a compassionate fund for faculty
  • Administer the Faculty Centre for our members’ use and enjoyment, and host social events
  • Conduct professional development activities including:
    • Annual PD retreat
    • Teaching and research development events
    • Workshops and colloquia
    • CAUT conferences and workshops

Our Vision

Progressive Educators Pursuing Excellence

Our Mission

The Mount Royal Faculty Association provides a collective voice for faculty, promotes tenure and academic freedom, advocates for the highest standards of professionalism in higher education, and upholds the values of diversity, equity and human rights.

Refer to the MRFA’s Key Documents for more information