Site icon Mount Royal Faculty Association

Get Involved in Your Association

Stay Informed

Connect to the information that matters to you by reading the Association’s Weekly Bulletin, following the MRFA on social media (@MRUFaculty), and hearing updates from your MRFA Department Liaison.

Participate in MRFA Social and PD Events

Connect, celebrate, and collaborate with colleagues at Association events! Refer to for upcoming Association events.

Attend MRFA Meetings

Participate in Association Governance: connect with colleagues, learn what the MRFA is doing for you, contribute to discussions, and vote on the way forward.

Take Action and Amplify MRFA Messages

Share messages on social media, sign petitions, take part in initiatives that support the Member approved mission, vision, and values of your Association.

Serve on an MRFA Committee

The MRFA’s provision of services and ability to champion members’ rights is dependent on Members’ contributions. Email to find out what positions are available to take part in continuing to build a strong and effective Association!

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